Introducing SCI Ambassador, Evangelia Tsolaki

SCI Ambassador - Evangelia Tsolaki"I think that being part of such an organization is a great opportunity for early-stage researchers to gain exposure to industry and academia and network with professionals from both fields."

What is your research field / your key areas of interest?
I am working on the development and formulation of novel supramolecular complexes that aim to modify the pharmacokinetic profile of poorly bioavailable drugs. I am focusing on elucidating the potential of this novel formulation approach for orally dosed drug delivery.

Why SCI? How did you first get involved and why would you encourage your peers to join?
Through the CDT in Transformative Pharmaceutical Technologies, I found out that SCI’s Formulation Forum Committee had created places for students and early career research workers. I joined the SCI FF committee in January 2021. I appreciate that SCI is a multidisciplinary society including industry and academia. I consider myself coming from a multi-disciplinary background and therefore I am very enthusiastic to learn and contribute. All in all, I think that being part of such an organization is a great opportunity for early-stage researchers to gain exposure to industry and academia and network with professionals from both fields.

SCI aims to be ‘where science meets business’. What is the potential commercial application of your research?
My research will impact industrial drug manufacturing, by improving the formulation, storage, and distribution of already marketed and novel candidate drugs, while developing a continuous manufacturing process. For the above reasons, there is potential to licence this research when completed.

What do you hope to gain from your involvement with SCI?
I am looking forward to the opportunity to work with the SCI, and to tap into the wealth of knowledge and experience offered by this society. I hope to communicate and network with people already working in the field that I aspire to be employed when I finish my PhD. I believe the knowledge and experience that I will gain will not only help me during my PhD, but also throughout my career.

Evangelia Tsolaki
University College Dublin – School of Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering

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