Introducing SCI Ambassador, Laurie Marlow

"[...]  SCI provides a fantastic opportunity to connect with a network of professionals early on."

Laurie MarlowWhat are your research interests?
My final year project involves analysis of mouse taint in natural wines. My interests are in analytical chemistry, organic and synthetic chemistry. I also have experience in industry in the field of step growth polymer chemistry.

How did you first get involved with SCI?
I first heard about SCI through my friend at University (Joe Parkin) who was previously selected to become an ambassador. He was excited to be promoting the organisation which inspired me to obtain membership. I thought that SCI was a fantastic opportunity for graduates to get their foot in the door of industry and network with professionals internationally.

What do you hope to gain from your involvement with SCI?
As I am starting my career in industry, SCI provides a fantastic opportunity to connect with a network of professionals early on. This could prove invaluable for the growth of my career and keeps me up to date with the latest scientific applications in industry.

SCI aims to be ‘where science meets business’. What is the potential commercial application of your research?
Mouse taint is an unpleasant “mousey” aftertaste growing in prominence, particularly in natural wines that are fermented with low sulphite use. Chemically, cyclic imines are responsible for mouse taint (eg ATHP and ETHP) and exhibit constitutional diversity in acidic media. By better understanding mouse taint evolution with aging, it has the potential to reduce the economically disastrous consequences of mouse tainted wine for wine producers internationally.

Laurie Marlow
University of Liverpool, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Chemistry

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