Exciting times ahead for SCI Travel Bursary winners

26 Jan 2015

Did you know that SCI offers financial support to early career members who are planning to travel to a conference or site visit related to their studies?

The October 2014 round of travel bursary applications (for travel between January and June 2015) were assessed by the Early Careers Support Sub Committee, and for the first time, representatives from the Food Group were also involved in the judging process. We are pleased to announce that eight of the applicants have been awarded bursaries towards their attendance at a conference or laboratory visit.

The recipients come from a range of universities from different areas of the UK (plus one from Belgium) and represent a range of scientific backgrounds. Apart from the laboratory visit, all the winners will be heading to conferences outside of the UK. America is the most popular destination with three of the recipients heading to conferences in Boston and Florida to attend food-related and ceramic-related conferences. Denmark, Portugal, Korea and Singapore are all included in the countries that the other winners will be travelling to, so they will be guaranteed to meet an international audience and experience new cultures.

Reflecting SCI's multidisciplinary ethos, the conference themes are wide ranging and cover many different areas of science; from experimental biology to ferroelectrics, and fats to ceramics. Please see the tables below for more information:

Name Conference

AJ Banks (Food Science)

Ashok Patel,
Ghent University
106th AOCS Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, USA
Ditte Hobbs,
University of Reading
Experimental Biology, Boston, USA

Leverhulme (for applicants in the Liverpool and North West Region)

Mohd Nazren Radzuan,
University of Manchester
Laboratory Visit, School of Biomedical Sciences,
University of Ulster, Northern Ireland

Messel (Chemical Science including all Life Sciences)

Angela Gonzalez De Castro,
University of Liverpool
Antibody/Targeted-Drug Conjugates 2015,
Porto, Portugal

Richardson (Process Engineering/Chemistry)

Lucie Pfaltzgraff,
University of York
The 21st International Symposium on Alcohol Fuels,
Gwangju, Republic of Korea
Sandra Landahl,
Cranfield University
Joint International Conference on Computer-Aided Process Engineering,
Copenhagen, Denmark
Hamung Patel,
King's College London
International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics,
Omobolanle Oleyede,
University of Reading
39th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA

All of this year's winners (and applicants) are current SCI members, so why not congratulate them on their award and get in touch with them via the Members' Directory? (you will need to sign in to to start networking).

We look forward to hearing about their experiences and reading their post-conference reports, which will be published on the SCI website in the coming months.

Applications have already opened for those who want to claim assistance with the cost of travel between 1 July and 31 December 2015 (click on the link below to apply).

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