Introducing SCI Ambassador, Jack Mansell

SCI Ambassador Jack Mansell"The interdisciplinary discussions offered by the SCI webinars are invaluable for an aspiring chemist in the development of their understanding of the applications of chemistry in industry."

What are your research interests?
Medicinal and Biological Chemistry: I am a penultimate year MChem student with a strong interest in the synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients and solid phase peptide synthesis.

How did you first get involved with SCI?
I first learnt about SCI from various PhD students at the University of Edinburgh, who encouraged me to attend the webinar series offered by the SCI's Young Chemists’ Panel. The series featured an engaging roster of speakers; some of the talks focused on the synthesis of drug molecules and that was of great interest to me. I appreciated the broad chemical scope covered by the series and subsequently joined SCI as a member. The interdisciplinary discussions offered by the SCI webinars are invaluable for an aspiring chemist in the development of their understanding of the applications of chemistry in industry.

What do you hope to gain from your involvement with SCI?
In my role as an SCI Ambassador, I hope to develop my chemical knowledge outside of what I have learnt throughout my degree and understanding of the chemical industry. I am also eager to help promote the SCI organised conferences, events, scholarships, and prizes and possibly organise events that would be run at the University of Edinburgh. Moreover, I also want to help forge strong and lasting networks with industry members for my peers and myself.

Why would you encourage your peers to join SCI?
I would encourage my peers to become members because SCI offers a great variety of opportunities such as networking, presentation of research, and access to scholarships that would enable them to advance their scientific careers.

Jack Mansell
University of Edinburgh – School of Chemistry, Medicinal and Biological Chemistry

University of Edinburgh


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