Introducing SCI Ambassador, Kirsty Stark

Kirsty Stark"I hope that SCI’s multidisciplinary forum will allow me to broaden my skills and interests."

What are your research interests?
Colloids, polymers, nanotechnology, emulsions, encapsulation, catalysis.

How did you first get involved with SCI?
I first heard about SCI when I attended UK Colloids, a joint conference with the RSC. Additionally I have attended Secrets in Formulation and other one day meetings.

What do you hope to gain from your involvement with SCI?
I hope to get involved with events and gain further opportunities in networking and professional development.

Why would you encourage your peers to join SCI?
SCI offers great networking opportunities, events and bursaries which can be invaluable to developing your career and interests which I have been fortunate enough to benefit from.

Kirsty Stark
Battelle UK – Formulation Research and Development (Crop Care)

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