Introducing SCI Ambassador, Sarah Montgomery

“I would encourage others to join SCI as it offers opportunities to disseminate research more widely and speak to scientists from a range of backgrounds.”

What are your research interests?
Biocatalysis: Biochemistry, biocatalysis, organic synthesis, industrial biotechnology

How did you first get involved with SCI?
I attended an SCI symposium on industrial biocatalysis for the working chemist, where my supervisor was a speaker. The talks were of great interest and the discussions I had there helped to guide the next stage of my research.

What do you hope to gain from your involvement with SCI?
Firstly, I am hoping to gain a better understanding of how academic research can be made applicable to industry. The field of biocatalysis is an area with the potential to revolutionise chemical synthesis in industry, but this will happen more quickly if we consider scalability from an early stage. I am also keen to learn more about how enzymes are already being used in business, since this can help us promote our work to chemists in other research areas.

Why would you encourage your peers to join SCI?
New collaborations have come about through discussions I’ve had at SCI, and I have gained a greater perspective on how my work may be built upon by others in the future. Listening to industrial chemists from a number of organisations has illustrated that we have many common goals, and this has helped to solidify my own aims for the future.

Sarah Montgomery
Wellcome Sanger Institute

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