Introducing SCI Ambassador, Thomas Knight

Thomas Knight"I recognised SCI’s goal to maintain strong ties between academia and industry.”

What are your research interests? 
Synthetic organic chemistry/ Drug Development/ Medicinal Chemistry.

How did you first get involved with SCI?
I first found the SCI through my work after attending the 2019 New Synthetic Methods II conference in London. I recognised SCI’s goal to maintain strong ties between academia and industry so that they can continue to learn from one another by sharing their resources and expertise in the pursuit of scientific progress.

SCI aims to be 'where science meets business'. What is the potential commercial application of your research?
I am currently employed as a synthetic organic chemist working on designing routes to produce new pharmaceutical medicines for an ever-changing range of diseases including heart disease, diabetes and cancers. 

What do you hope to gain from your involvement with SCI?
I hope to attend events offered by the SCI to learn more about different areas of chemical research to help steer me down potential new career paths. I would also like to help undergraduates and those in the early stages of their careers access the strong network of experts in order to inspire the next generation of chemists.

Thomas Knight
University of Cardiff (currently on placement at Pfizer Ltd)

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