4 September - 8 September 2016

17th International Nuclear Graphite Specialists Meeting

Organised by:

SCI's, IOP and RSC British Carbon Group

Vienna, Austria

Registration Closed

This event is no longer available for registration.


INGSM-17 will take place at The International Atomic Energy Agency, which is located within the United Nations complex at Kaisermühlen, Vienna, Austria (also known as ‘UNO City’ and adjacent to the Vienna International Centre [‘VIC’]). All conference sessions will take place in Room M3 (Building M sits between Buildings B and A and will be found to your left after you enter the final security barrier: go up the escalator from M ground floor then walk around to the REAR - straight ahead then two left turns! - and find the room entrance on your left).

Delegates are expected to arrive into Vienna on Sunday 4th September and there will be a welcome reception at Hotel der Wilhelmshof in the evening.

This conference will continue the series begun at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, in 2000. The annual conferences continue to explore the entire nuclear graphite life cycle and the technical issues which are presented in the design, operation and decommissioning of graphite-moderated nuclear reactors.

The previous conference held in September 2015 in Nottingham (UK) attracted nearly 100 delegates representing the key international design organisations, plant operators, specialised university research departments, consultants and regulators. INGSM presentations are archived within the IAEA Knowledge Base on Nuclear Graphite, and this will continue with presentations for the 2016 conference.

Please click here for more details about the conference
Accessibility Grants

SCI accessibility grants are available to support SCI members with disabilities, long term health conditions, those who require a carer, and members who are nursing parents to attend SCI events. Download an application form to apply for a grant.

Venue and Contact

International Atomic Energy Agency

The International Atomic Energy Agency
Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100
A-1400 Vienna, Austria

Prof Tony Wickham

Tel: +44 (0) 1597 860 633

Email: confer@globalnet.co.uk

Booking terms and conditions

SCI Members attending this meeting are able to claim CPD points.

Accredited cpd Centre - The CPD Standards Office - CPD Provider 41057 - www.cpdstandards.com
