8 April 2019
Organised by:
SCI's Fine Chemicals Group
York, UK
The conference is designed to showcase the work done by final year PhD students across the region and provides the opportunity for them to network and share ideas. The subjects covered will be wide ranging within organic and medicinal chemistry such as synthesis, mechanistic studies, methodology, medicinal chemistry or analysis.
The full programme will be announced in due course.
Registration starts at 9:30.
Sign up as an Event Member to join this event. SCI Full or Student Members receive discounts on event registrations
SCI Members attending this meeting are able to claim CPD points.
Contributions are invited from those working in all areas of organic and medicinal chemistry.
An abstract of maximum one A4 page or 300 words indicating title, authors, and preference for oral or poster presentation should be sent to daniel.jones@crl.com by 08 March 2019 with the subject line 'FCHEM Postgrad North - abstract submission'. Oral presentation slots are inevitably limited and will be allocated to achieve a balanced programme. Topics may be results, reviews or plans and may have already been presented elsewhere. An abstract template can be downloaded here. Prizes will be awarded for the best poster.
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