12 November 2014

Can we afford NOT to monitor priority pollutants?

Organised by:

SCI's Environment, Health and Safety Group and the RSC Water Science Forum

SCI, London, UK

Registration Closed

This event is no longer available for registration.

The aim of this conference is to bring together leading experts in the field of priority substances listed in Annex X of the Water Framework Directive (WFD). 

The event will discuss potential issues associated with the implementation of the Directive 2013/39/EC relating to priority substances in the field of water policy. It will also will help to disseminate information on the development and validation of new test methods for monitoring priority pollutants.

The cost of the sampling and analysis is going to be excessive unless some sanity is brought to bear on the proposed environmental quality standard limits associated with this new Directive. This meeting will aim to establish what is cost-effectively feasible.

This event will interest all stakeholders with a responsibility, or interest in environmental water quality. In particular, water companies, regulators, NGOs, research organisations, academia and land and water agencies.


Day 1

Registration and refreshments
Keynote lecture - An overview of the current and potential future problems in implementing the priority pollutant provisions of the WFD
Geerit Niebeek, Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment
Session 1 - Policy Issues: Introduced by David Taylor, Chairman - RSC EHSC Policy Group
Strategy for the selection and prioritisation of priority pollutants
Paul Whitehouse, Environment Agency Evidence Directorate
Refreshment break
The role of socio-economic analysis
Bill Watts, Formerly Principal Economist at the Environment Agency
Challenges in implementing biota EQSs for priority substances
Peter Lepom UBA, Germany
Closing remarks and discussion - David Taylor, Chairman - RSC Environment Health and Safety Committee Policy Group
Lunch and posters
Session 2: Sampling and Analysis Issues: Introduced by Martin Padley, United Utilities
New standardised analytical methods meeting the requirements of the WFD - results of a mandated project of the European Commission (M424)
Ulrich Borchers, IWW Muelheim
UKWIR Chemical Investigation Program - Emerging outputs and implications
Mike Gardner, Regulatory Compliance, Atkins Limited
Refreshment break
Laboratory challenges in meeting the required priority substances EQS levels
K. Clive Thompson and Paul Gribble, ALcontrol Laboratories
Sampling aspects and how to ensure fit for purpose sampling theme
Ivor Parry, ential (Inital Projects Limited)
Closing remarks, discussion and award of poster presentation prize- Martin Padley, United Utilities
Accessibility Grants

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Venue and Contact


14-15 Belgrave Square


Conference Team

Tel: +44 (0)20 7598 1561

Email: conferences@soci.org

GB£200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCI/RSC Member 
GB£150 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCI/RSC Student Member 
GB£150 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCI/RSC Concessions
GB£250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Non-Member 

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Additional Info
Exhibition and Sponsorship

An exhibition will take place alongside the conference for companies and related organisations who may wish to exhibit. Please email conferences@soci.org for further information and prices. Spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.