SCI's Day of Science & Careers events are designed to give information about the wide range of careers covered in the chemical, chemistry-using and other science based industries. Speakers from a range of industrial, academic and independent backgrounds will present their career pathway and offer insights in to what to look out for and what to consider when choosing your next steps.
In previous years this meeting has been very popular so early booking is advised.
Day 1 - 26 April 2017
- 10:15
- Registration and Refreshments
- 10:45
- Welcome and Introduction Prof Alan Heaton, Principal of SCI College of Scholars, Chair of SCI Early Careers Committee and SCI Trustee; formerly Liverpool John Moores University
- 11:00
- Presentation by Meeting Sponsor (tbc)
Science Based Industry
- 11:10
- Starting Out In Industry Dr Kevin Back, SCI Early Careers Committee and Pfizer
- 11:30
- Starting Out in Academia Prof Joe Sweeney, SCI Early Careers Committee and University of Huddersfield
- 11:50
- Networking Dr John Hardy, University of Lancaster
- 12:10
- Part 2: Interactive Activity Dr Callie Seaman, SCI Early Careers Committee and Aqualabs Ltd
- 12:40
- Lunch
Industry Based Science
- 13:25
- Precious Metal Science as a Catalyst for a Precious Career Dr Lee Dingwall, SCI Membership Affairs Committee and Johnson Matthey
- 13:45
- Bringing Plant Potential to Life Niall Thompson, Syngenta
- 14:05
- Starting My Own Company Whilst Doing a PhD Dr Callie Seaman, SCI Early Careers Committee and Aqualabs ltd
The Business of Science
- 14:25
- Working as a Student and Employee in Big Pharma Dr Robert Law, GSK
- 14:45
- Patents Dr Darren Smyth, EIP
- 15:05
- Regulatory Affairs in Life Sciences Dr Samantha Alsbury, TOPRA
- 15:25
- Tea
Show You Mean Business
- 15:45
- Publishing Sam Foskett, Wiley
- 16:05
- Scientific Marketing and Sales Nathalie Huther, Arcinova
- 16:25
- Top Tips for Successful Job Applications Richard Carruthers, Imperial College London
- 16:45
- Summing Up
- 16:55
- Top Tips for Successful Job Applications Richard Carruthers, Imperial College London
- 18:15
- End. Attendees can also attend the SCI Public Evening Lecture: Professor Glenn Gibson - Getting to the guts of microbiology (separate registration required, please click on the link below to boo
Accessibility Grants
SCI accessibility grants are available to support SCI members with disabilities, long term health conditions, those who require a carer, and members who are nursing parents to attend SCI events. Download an application form to apply for a grant.
Venue and Contact
This is a FREE event, but please book online to secure your place.
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Booking Process/Deadlines
Booking terms and conditions
CPD Info
SCI Members attending this meeting are able to claim CPD points.

Additional Info
Exhibition and Sponsorship
An exhibition will take place alongside the conference for companies and related organisations who may wish to exhibit. Please email for further information and prices. Spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.