25 May 2022

SCI Electrochemistry Postgraduate Conference 2022

Organised by:

SCI’s Electrochemistry Technology Group

Loughborough University, UK

Registration Closed

This event is no longer available for registration.


SCI Electrochemistry Postgraduate Conference (SCI-EPC) 2022 will provide PhD students and Postdoctoral researchers with the opportunity to present their work in the practical applications of electrochemistry and electrochemical engineering. Key themes will be :

  • Electrochemistry and Industrial Applications of Electrochemistry
  • Electrocatalysis
  • Corrosion
  • Batteries
  • Semiconductors
  • Fuel cells
  • Sensors

The one-day event is free to attend and open to postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers, but places are limited, so booking is required.


Postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers working in the field of electrochemistry can showcase their research, network and gain an idea on what research is being carried out in their respective field. Speakers from industry and academia will provide an insight on technologies, market and pitch new techniques that would be relevant to all people working in this sector. Therefore, it will be useful for early and mid-career researchers and members from industry.

Call for abstracts

Contributions are invited from those working in all areas of electrochemistry research, development, commercialisation, and application.

There are two options:

  • Poster presentation
  • Oral presentation

An abstract of maximum 250 words indicating the title, authors, institution, and preference for presentation options (Poster or oral presentation) should be sent to conferences@soci.org by Friday 29 April 2022 with the subject line ‘SCI Electrochemistry Postgraduate Conference 2022 – abstract submission’. Oral presentation slots are inevitably limited and will be allocated to achieve a balanced programme. Topics may be results, reviews, or plans and may have already been presented elsewhere. Prizes will be awarded for the best poster and oral presentation. An abstract template can be downloaded here.


For further information and prices, please email conferences@soci.org

Ignacio Tudela-Montes Headshot

Dr Ignacio Tudela-Montes

The University of Edinburgh

Dr Tudela-Montes started his research career in April 2007 at University of Alicante, Spain, where he focused on the design and development of electrochemical and sonoelectrochemical processes for different application. In June 2011, Dr Tudela-Montes joined Daido Metal – European Technical Centre UK (ETC UK) as a Materials Researcher involved in a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) project between Coventry University and Daido Industrial Bearings Europe (UK subsidiary of Daido Metal) aiming at the development of novel materials for engine bearing applications. After completing his PhD, he became Senior Materials Researcher at Daido Metal – ETC UK where he led the team responsible for the development of novel material solutions and manufacturing processes for engine bearing and other tribological applications ranging from crankshaft bearings for the automotive industry to large bearings for industrial, power generation and marine engines. Since July 2018, Dr Tudela-Montes leads research in the area of Electrochemical Engineering as part of the Institute for Materials and Processes within the School of Engineering at the University of Edinburgh.

Kathryn Toghill Headshot

Dr Kathryn Toghill

Lancaster University

Dr Toghill holds a MChem from Swansea University, with a year spent in the University of Waterloo, Canada. She completed her PhD and EPSRC Postdoctoral Award at Oxford University. During her PhD, she focused on the analytical applications of modified boron doped diamond electrodes, and the design and implementation of an electrochemical atomic force microscopy cell. Currently, she is the senior lecturer at Lancaster University and also an established academic working in the board field of electrochemistry. Her research focuses on sustainable energy and processes, with specific projects relating to the valorisation of CO2 and large-scale energy storage in flow batteries. Her research also explores analytical electrochemistry, novel materials, water splitting and all manner of batteries. Her research has been funded by the EPSRC and most recently she was awarded a prestigious ERC Starting Grant to explore a novel electrochemical approach to CO2 conversion and valorisation.


Wednesday 25 May

Welcome and Plenary – James France, CC.0.12
Registration, exhibition, coffee – James France Foyer
Welcome and Plenary – James France, CC.0.12
Plenary Session: Energy Storage by Molecular Design: Symmetric Non-Aqueous Redox Flow Batteries
Dr Kathryn Toghill, Lancaster University
Oral presentation session 1 – James France, CC.0.12
Advancement of Electroanalytical Techniques for use in Forensic Evaluation of Firearms Generated Evidence
Colm McKeever, Eithne Dempsey, Maynooth University
Non-enzymatic Sensing of Creatinine for Early Detection of Chronic Kidney Disease
Sonal Bajpai, Lancaster University
Recovery of zinc from steel surfaces using a membrane-free zinc–bromine battery
Rhys D. Standing, Christian J. Laycock, Gareth Lloyd, Richard M. Dinsdale and Alan J. Guwy, University of South Wales
Formate Oxidase Reactivity Driving the 3,5,3’,5’-Tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) Colour Reaction with a Palladium Catalyst Embedded in an Intrinsically Microporous Polyamine (PIM-EA-TB)
L. Wang, P. J. Fletcher, F. Marken, M. Carta, R. Malpass-Evans, N. B. McKeown and A. R. Martinez, University of Bath
Lunch, poster, exhibition – James France Foyer
Oral presentation session 2 – James France, CC.0.12
Additive manufacturing of polyaniline electrodes for electrochemical applications
Valentin C. Menzel, Ignacio Tudela, The University of Edinburgh
CO2 Utilization: Catalyst Development and Gas Diffusion Electrode Cell Design for CO2 Electrochemical Reduction Reaction
Yucheng Wang, Hanhui Lei, and Terence Xiaoteng Liu, Northumbria University
A Novel, Tuneable, and Highly Active Electro-Catalyst for Ammonia Oxidation Reaction
Matin Ataei Kachouei, Maryam Bayati, Northumbria University
Electrochemical Impedance Monitoring of Gold Surface Covalent Grafting
Enrico De Bonis, Mandana Azmi and Stijn F. L. Mertens, Lancaster University
Lightning session – James France, CC.0.12
Developing Biosensors to Monitor Neurotransmitters – An In-vitro and In-vivo Journey
Caytlin Boylan and John P. Lowry, Maynooth University
Reaching High Loading of Atomic Iron in Fe-NC Oxygen Reduction Catalysts for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
Mengjun Gong, Dr Asad Mehmood, Prof. Anthony Kucernak, Imperial College London
Surface Processes During Hydrogen Peroxide Generation and Release with Graphitic Carbon Nitride (g-C3N4)
A. Karunakaran, C.R. Bowen, F. Marken, M. Carta and N. B. McKeown, University of Bath
Theoretical Investigation of Electrocatalytic Water Splitting
Yang Yang, WenFeng Lin, Loughborough University
In-situ X-ray computed tomography of shape-change during zinc-air battery discharge
Jennifer Hack, Drasti Patel, Josh Bailey, Francesco Iacoviello, Paul Shearing, Dan Brett, University College London
Al-substituted Na2Mn3O7 as anionic redox active cathode material for sodium-ion batteries
Begoña Silván, Yong-Seok Choi, Cindy Soares, Veronica Celorrio, Valerie R. Seymour, Giannantonio Cibin, John M. Griffin, David O. Scanlon, Nuria Tapia-Ruiz, Lancaster University
Poster, Exhibition, Refreshments – James France Foyer
Closing Keynote – James France, CC.0.12
Closing Keynote Session: How Electrochemistry changed my life (and why it could do the same to you)
Ignacio Tudela-Montes, The University of Edinburgh
Networking session – James France Foyer

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  1. Twitter
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  3. Facebook

Venue and Contact


University Lodge offers affordable short-stay accommodation on campus. It has a great location, centrally situated in the University campus on University Road. Please visit the website for more information. Other hotels in the area include:


This is a free event. To enable us to control the number of visitors into the building, we are asking all delegates to pre-register in advance. 

For this reason, registration will close 24 hours prior to the event and only registered guests will be admitted.

All registrations will automatically receive a confirmation within 24 hours of registering for the event. Should you not receive written confirmation of your booking, please email conferences@soci.org.

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Booking Process/Deadlines

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Supported by


Organising committee

Xin Yee Tai, Loughborough University
Ella Fidment, Newcastle University
Lokesh Rao, Loughborough University
Basmah Bushra, Loughborough University
Preetam Sharma, Loughborough University
Zhiqiang Niu, Loughborough University