22 April 2013

Food and Flavour Research: Future Directions

Organised by:

SCI's Food Group in collaboration with the University of Reading, the Royal Society of Chemistry and the British Society of Flavourists


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Professor Harry Nursten, who died in December 2011, was one of the founders of flavour research in the UK. His outstanding contribution for over fifty years to research and teaching in food science is recognised throughout the world. The symposium will be a tribute to his long career in food and flavour science.

Flavour science has made enormous progress over the past 50 years. Through the practical application of chemical, biological and sensory research in flavour it has become possible to provide foods and food products that have the high quality expected by today's consumer. This one-day symposium brings together international speakers who will review past research and future requirements in taste, aroma, formation kinetics, sensory and consumer aspects of flavour.

Harry Nursten is particularly remembered for the support and encouragement he gave to young researchers, many of whom now have international reputations. Therefore, the symposium will include some presentations by the new generation of young researchers, as well as a poster session.

A dinner celebrating the career of Harry Nursten will be held in the evening at 6.30 for 7 pm.

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Venue and Contact

Reading University

University of Reading Conference Centre

Meadow Suite

Whiteknights Campus

Reading RG6 6UR

For a location map click here

Don Mottram

Tel: 0118 378 8712

Email: flavsymp@reading.ac.uk


Standard rate....£100

PhD Student Rate....£25

Symposium Dinner...£40

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Professor Thomas Hoffman, Technical University of Munich

Dr Linda Farmer, Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute, Belfast

Professor Don Mottram, University of Reading

Professor Andy Taylor, University of Nottingham

Professor David Thompson, MMR Research Worldwide

Professor Bronek Wedzicha, University of Leeds