26 June 2017

Lipids Group AGM 2017

Organised by:

SCI's Lipids Group

SCI, London, UK

Registration Closed

This event is no longer available for registration.


The Chair and committee members of SCI's Lipids Group cordially invite members to their Annual General Meeting (AGM).

All members and guests are welcome to attend (only members are eligible to vote).


1. Apologies for Absence

2. Minutes of the previous AGM (no. 65, 20 June 2016)

3. Matters arising from the minutes

4. Honorary Officer's Report for 2016-2017 (S.P.Kochhar & R.G.Griffiths)

5. Honorary Treasurer's Report for 2016-2017 (G.Sassano)

6. Proposed Honorary Officers of the Lipids Group Committee (2017-2018)

7. Election of Ordinary Members of the Committee (2017-2018)

8. Any Other Business

9. Date of Next AGM

Venue and Contact


14/15 Belgrave Square


Robert Griffiths

+44 (0)20 7598 1561

Email: robert.g.griffiths@rssl.com


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Booking Process/Deadlines

Booking terms and conditions

CPD Info

SCI Members attending this meeting are able to claim CPD points.

Accredited cpd Centre - The CPD Standards Office - CPD Provider 41057 - www.cpdstandards.com

Additional Info

For general enquiries, please contact:

Emily Miedzybrodzka
Committee Support Contact for the Lipids Group
E: communications@soci.org 
T: 0207 598 1514