A one day conference to review the state of the art of Organic Lighting Displays (OLEDs), Organic Photovoltaics (OPV) and Organic Thin Film Transistors (OTFT's).
Event Day
Event Section
- 09:00
- Registration, Tea/Coffee
- 09:40
- Activities of Wolfson Centre - Prof. J. Silver (Director, Wolfson Centre)
- 09:50
- Funding Status - Myrrddin Jones (TSB)
- 10:10
- OLED and OPV Market - Raghu Das (IDtechEX)
- 10:30
- OLED Materials Status - Dr. Ingo Meunster (BASF)
- 11:00
- Tea/Coffee
- 11:15
- OLED Processing - Dr. N. Meyer (Aixtron)
- 11:35
- Solution Processed OLEDs - Dr. F. Eckes (Merck)
- 11:55
- OLED Lighting Market - Mr. Craig Cruickshank (Cintelliq)
- 12:15
- Lab Tour 1 - Three Groups - (Tour Leaders : S. Ravichandran,V. R. Reddy,T. Ireland)
- 13:00
- Lunch
- 14:00
- OPV Processing - Mr. T. Kolbusch (Coatema)
- 14:20
- Solution Processed OPV - Dr. M-B. Madec (Solvay)
- 14:40
- OPV Production - Dr. J. Halls (Solar Press)
- 15:00
- Design in Organic Electronics - Dr. A. Toomy (Northumbria University)
- 15:20
- Organic Semiconductors for Masers and Lasers - Dr. M. Oxborrow (NPL)
- 15:40
- Tea/Coffee
- 16:00
- Sealant Materials for Organic Electronic Applications - Dr. D. Birkett et. al. (Henkel, Belgium)
- 16:20
- Panel Discussion - Barriers to Commercialisation of Organic Electronics
- 16:50
- Lab Tour 2 (one Group) - (Tour Leader:S. Ravichandran). Event closes after this.
- 09:30
- Opening Comments by the Conference Chair
Professor P. Kathirgamanathan
The event will be held at:
Council Chamber, Wilfred Brown Building, Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 3PH
Directions to Brunel can be found here, including a map showing the walking route to the campus from Uxbridge tube station. A campus map is available from the main directions page on the Brunel website.
For further information: Professor P. Kathirgamanathan (PK)
Tea/Coffee: No charge
Lunch: Canteen, Delegates to pay.
Venue and Contact
Free, but registration is still required. Please note that by registering online you will be required to register as a guest on the SCI website. There is no charge associated with this registration, and this will not add you as a member of SCI.
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Booking Process/Deadlines
Booking terms and conditions
CPD Info
SCI Members attending this meeting are able to claim CPD points.

Additional Info
Exhibition and Sponsorship
An exhibition will take place alongside the conference for companies and related organisations who may wish to exhibit. Please email for further information and prices. Spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.