23 January 2015

Photonic chip enabled non-invasive glucose biosensor

Organised by:

SCI's Biotechnology Group in conjunction with the University of Westminster

University of Westminster

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We have developed a novel non-invasive glucose biosensor technology which features photoluminescence and random lasing properties of a glass photonic chip which interacts with the glucose component present in blood and interstitial fluid through skin. The pilot clinical studies of Glucose monitor with Type 1 diabetes subjects has shown excellent correlation with blood glucose concentration measurements. A novel fabrication based on ultrafast laser plasma implantation in glass allowed us to implement the new sensor methodology. Self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) levels is currently carried out by invasive finger stick method and our technology offers a viable non-invasive and continuous monitoring alternative. The product is currently under commercial development with Glucosense Diagnostics Ltd. This talk will provide an account of different approaches for non-invasive glucose sensing, past failures and why we are different. 
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Venue and Contact

University of Westminster

University of Westminster, School of Life Sciences, 115 New Cavendish Street London W1W 6UW

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Additional Info


Prof Gin Jose, Chair in Functional Materials, Institute of Materials Research, School of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Leeds