3 May 2019

SCI Members' Lunch and Lecture 2019

Organised by:

SCI's London Group


Registration Closed

This event is no longer available for registration.


The SCI London Group’s Members’ Lunch and Lecture returns on Friday 3 May - this year’s lecture will be given by Tom Furber, Engagement and Learning Officer at London Metropolitan Archives. After the lecture, a hot buffet lunch will be served with accompanying refreshments, giving a chance for members and their guests to talk to one another in a relaxed setting.

Marc Isambard Brunel left revolutionary France for America in 1793, becoming Chief Engineer for New York City. In 1799 he came to England, applying his engineering genius to works in Portsmouth, Liverpool and London. Discover more about his remarkable life and the contribution he made to the development of modern London.

London Group AGM

The London group will be holding their Annual General meeting at 11:00 and all members are invited. The AGM documents will be available to download from the secure member's area soon (you will need to sign in to view). To confirm attendance to the AGM please get in touch with communications@soci.org

About the speaker

Tom has a long standing and eclectic interest in London’s history and likes little more than getting together  with likeminded people to talk about it. He has worked variously as a tour guide, writer and heritage educator.  He is currently employed at London Metropolitan Archives,  where he happily spends his days sitting on top of literally miles of  London’s history. He will be delivering this talk in a personal capacity.

11.30 Registration and refreshments
12.00 Lecture: Marc Isambard Brunel and the Making of London
Tom Furber, London Metropolitan Archives
13.00 Lunch
15.00 End

Venue and Contact


14/15 Belgrave Square 

Conference Team

Tel: 020 7598 1561

Email: conferences@soci.org

SCI Members and their guests: £20

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Tom Furber, Engagement and Learning Officer at London Metropolitan Archives

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