3 July 2019
Organised by:
SCI's Early Career Committee
London, UK
This event is no longer available for registration.
This event will strengthen connections between past and current scholars and will showcase the scientific achievements of travel bursary recipients during a poster session. The event will be held on the day of the SCI AGM meeting and scholars will be encouraged to interact with the wider SCI community.
Past SCI scholars (one speaker from academia and one from industry) will share their career path stories and current work.
There will be opportunities for sharing travel experiences and a chance to ask questions during the poster session.
The showcase will be followed by SCI's 138th Annual General Meeting, and Summer Reception.
Papers are invited for poster presentation. Abstracts should be sent by email to scishowcase2019@gmail.com by 28 June 2019. Download an abstract template- doc, 70 KB.
14/15 Belgrave Square
Conference Team
Tel: +44 (0)20 7598 1561
Email: conferences@soci.org
This event is open to SCI members and is free to attend.
Participants can reimburse travel expenses up to £50.
Sign up as an Event Member to join this event. SCI Full or Student Members receive discounts on event registrations
SCI Members attending this meeting are able to claim CPD points.