5 March 2021
Organised by:
SCI Test group
This event is no longer available for registration.
14:00 Welcome and introduction
Prof Jeremy Frey, Professor of Physical and Digital Chemistry,
Head of Computational Systems Chemistry, University of Southampton
14:05 Recap of SCI’s Digital design webinar series
Dr David Bott, Chief Innovation Officer, SCI
14:15 Objectives and format of breakout sessions
14:20 Breakout sessions
See below for facilitators
15:00 Review of breakout group outputs
15:15 Closing remarks and next steps
Prof Jeremy Frey, Professor of Physical and Digital Chemistry,
Head of Computational Systems Chemistry, University of Southampton
14/15 Belgrave Square
Conference Team
Tel: +44 (0)20 7598 1561
Email: conferences@soci.org
SCI Members attending this meeting are able to claim CPD points.
An exhibition will take place alongside the conference for companies and related organisations who may wish to exhibit. Please email conferences@soci.org for further information and prices. Spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.