8 March 2021

STEM for Britain 2021

Organised by:

Parliamentary & Scientific Committee

Online Event - 11am - 1pm

By invitation only

Registration Closed

This event is no longer available for registration.


The Parliamentary & Scientific Committee’s STEM for BRITAIN 2021 will take place ONLINE on Monday 8th March, during British Science Week

STEM for BRITAIN is a major scientific poster competition and exhibition which has been held in Parliament since 1997, and is organised by the Parliamentary & Scientific Committee. Chaired by Stephen Metcalfe MP, its aim is to give members of both Houses of Parliament an insight into the outstanding research work being undertaken in UK universities by early-career researchers.

Due to Covid-19, the 2021 event is being held online and will therefore be supported virtually by Parliamentarians, including those Members of Parliament whose constituents have been shortlisted to present their posters.

Prizes will be awarded for the posters presented in each discipline which best communicate high level science, engineering or mathematics to a lay audience.

SCI supports the Westminster Medal in honour of former SCI London Group chair and founder of SET for BRITAIN (now STEM for BRITAIN), Dr Eric Wharton. The Medal is awarded each year to the early career scientist presenting the best poster at the event.

This year, Lucinda Bruce-Gardyne, founder of Genius Foods and a member of SCI’s Board of Trustees, will represent SCI on the Westminster Medal judging panel along with Stephen Metcalfe MP, Sue Wharton and Stephen Benn.

Members of SCI’s London Group will also be in attendance at the event. The event will be followed by an official face-to-face awards ceremony in December 2021.


Invitation only

For more information please see the STEM for Britain website.

Further career information and events can be found on the SCI Career Support page.


1. Welcome by Stephen Metcalfe MP, Chair, Parliamentary & Scientific Committee
2. Introduction by Stephen Benn, Vice-President, Parliamentary & Scientific Committee, and Master of Ceremonies
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Mathematical Sciences
Physical Sciences: Physics
Physical Sciences: Chemistry
The Westminster Medal
Lucinda Bruce-Gardyne
Closing Remarks: Stephen Metcalfe MP, Chairman of the Parliamentary & Scientific Committee


Booking Process/Deadlines

Booking terms and conditions