9 July 2019

Graham Lecture and Symposium 2019: Industrial and interdisciplinary applications of suspensions

Organised by:

SCI's Colloid & Surface Chemistry Group and RSC's Colloid & Interface Science Group


Registration opens 3/15/2019

Registration Closed

This event is no longer available for registration.


The meeting will be of interest to both industrial and academic researchers, particularly those from colloid chemistry, soft matter physics and chemical engineering backgrounds working with suspensions.  The meeting will cover new advances in the science of suspensions, with a particular focus on real-world applications, be they industrial (4 speakers) or geological.  The lecture programme will conclude with the Graham Lecture, to be presented by Professor Wilson Poon of the University of Edinburgh.  Professor Poon chose speakers who are outstanding and put good science into real-world applications. Professor Poon has chosen outstanding speakers who address real-world applications with excellent science.

The Graham Lecture is awarded, biennially, to a scientist working in the UK who in the prime of their research career, has established an international reputation in colloid science, and has already made distinguished contributions to the field of colloid science. In addition to hearing great presentations and the opportunity to contribute a poster, there is plenty scope for networking to catch up with old friends and make new ones.


Poster abstract deadline – Sunday 23 June 2019
(more details below)

This meeting showcases outstanding soft matter scientists describing some of their recent research in a programme constructed by Professor Wilson Poon of Edinburgh University.  Prof Poon is the 2019 recipient of the Graham Lecture, which will conclude the meeting.
09.30 Registration and refreshments
10.00 Introduction and welcome
10.15 Modelling the viscosity of mixtures of Na-caseinate and Na-caseinate stabilised droplets using a soft particle approach
William (Bill) Frith, Unilever, Colworth Laboratory, UK
10.50 Getting and Keeping in Good Shape: Triborheology of Die-Paste Interaction
John Wight, Corning Inc., Corning, USA
11.25 Refreshments and exhibition
12.00 Commercially important aspects of drying dynamics in waterborne coatings
Martin Murray, AkzoNobel
12.35 Flash poster presentations
13.00 Lunch, exhibition and posters
14.15 Magma mush and porridge problem: suspensions and volcanoes
Alison Rust, Geology, Bristol, UK
14.50 The physics of smarter and more sustainable cement
Emanuela del Gado, Georgetown University, USA
15.25 Fresh concrete rheology: an input from soft matter
Guillaume Ovarlez, Solvay-CNRS Laboratoire du Futur, Pessac, France
16.00 Refreshments and exhibition
16.35 Why do rheology? - relating rheometric data to real-life suspension flows
Wilson Poon, University of Edinburgh, UK, Graham Lecturer, 2019
17.25 Networking reception

Venue and Contact


14/15 Belgrave Square



Conference Team

Tel: +44 (0)20 7598 1561

Email: conferences@soci.org

£60   SCI/RSC/IoP/BSR Member
£45   SCI/RSC/IoP/BSR Student Member
£55   SCI/RSC/IoP/BSR Subsidised Member
£115   Non-Member

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SCI Members attending this meeting are able to claim CPD points.

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Platinum Sponsor

Additional Info

Organising Committee

  • Cecile Dreiss, King’s College London
  • Andrew Howe, Aqdot, UK

Exhibition and Sponsorship

An exhibition will take place alongside the conference during refreshment breaks for companies and related organisations who may wish to exhibit. For further information and prices, please email conferences@soci.org.

Call for Posters

Opportunities are available for a limited number of posters. Interested applicants should send an abstract of one A4 page or 300 words maximum, indicating title and authors, to conferences@soci.org by Sunday 23 June 2019 with the subject line “Graham Lecture - poster submission”.  Poster contributions from Early Career Colloid Scientists are particularly encouraged.