4 September 2020

Horticulture Group AGM 2020 – Webinar

Organised by:

SCI Horticulture Group

Online Event - 14:00 BST

Registration Closed

This event is no longer available for registration.


The chair and committee members of SCI’s Horticulture Group cordially invite members to their Annual General Meeting (AGM) held online on the 4th September 2020. This year's event will provide an update on group activities, election of group officers for the forthcoming year.

Following the AGM there will be a talk; Plant Health Threats: From BRIGIT to Māui
The talk will start at 14.45 and last approx. 30 mins. There will also be 15 mins for questions.

Dr Gerard Clover
Head of Plant Health
Royal Horticultural Society
Senior Editor New Disease Reports

The papers for the Horticulture AGM are available online.


This event will be of interest to all SCI Horticulture Group members and anyone interest in becoming involved in the group.

Accessibility Grants

SCI accessibility grants are available to support SCI members with disabilities, long term health conditions, those who require a carer, and members who are nursing parents to attend SCI events. Download an application form to apply for a grant.


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Booking Process/Deadlines

Booking terms and conditions

Additional Info

This event will take place online.

Alison Foster for any queries, email: Foster.alison.c@gmail.com