6 February 2024

Designing new antibacterial drugs

Organised by:

SCI's London Group

University College London

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Why it's so hard and what can we do?

In this lecture, Alastair Parkes will give a brief overview of the drug discovery process and describe the particular challenges of antibacterial drug discovery. The significant scientific challenges are added to by problems with the market for novel antibiotics. He will talk about past approaches and their pitfalls before describing some ongoing approaches that are beginning to address some of these challenges.


This event will be of interest to SCI members, academics, students, medicinal chemists and others.

Speaker - Alastair Parkes

Alastair Parkes is a Vice President in Evotec’s Medicinal Chemistry department in Abingdon, UK. He is an experienced medicinal chemist with a focus on leading integrated multi-disciplinary collaborative drug discovery programs. He is a regular presenter on Evotec’s antibacterial research at international conferences, has published on topics ranging from asymmetric synthesis, through prebiotic chemistry and the origin of life, to strategies to overcome antimicrobial resistance, and is a named inventor on multiple patents in several therapeutic areas. He has given lectures on Antibacterial Drug Discovery at Oxford University’s Synthesis for Biology and Medicine Centre for Doctoral Training, and is a member of the GARDP-REVIVE panel of experts in Antimicrobial R&D.

Prior to joining Evotec Alastair conducted post-doctoral research on prebiotic chemistry in the group of Professor John Sutherland at the University of Manchester. He holds MChem and DPhil degrees in Organic Chemistry from the University of Oxford, with doctoral studies on asymmetric synthesis in the group of Professor.


Arrival from 6pm, lecture begins at 6.15 pm.

Venue and Contact


University College London
Chemistry Department
Sir Christopher Ingold Building
20 Gordon Street
London WC1H 0AJ

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