Registration Open!
The British Carbon Group (BCG) is pleased to announce this year's NanotecC conference, the flagship nanocarbon conference of the BCG.
NanoteC is one of the longest running series of international nanoscale carbon conferences in Europe (since 1998). It brings together scientists working with nanoscale carbon materials: nanotubes, graphene, diamond - and fullerene-related nanostructures. While each of these materials attracts its own dedicated community of researchers, NanoteC draws on common themes and allows researchers to share insight into the unique element of nanoscale.
This year NanoteC will be in Nantes, on the west coast of France. The weekend the conference finishes, there is a huge free jazz festival with stages across Nantes (from classic to modern) - the perfect opportunity to relax after intense and interesting scientific discussions!
Day 1 - 30th August to 2nd September 2017
Accessibility Grants
SCI accessibility grants are available to support SCI members with disabilities, long term health conditions, those who require a carer, and members who are nursing parents to attend SCI events. Download an application form to apply for a grant.
Venue and Contact
Institute of Materials Jean Rouxel
Jean Rouxel Institute of Materials in Nantes
Bâtiment 31
2 rue de Houssinière
44300 Nantes, France
Please click here for a location map.
Emma Thomas
Tel: 0207 598 1594
SCI Member: €65
SCI Student Member:€35
Non Member: €80
Non Member Student: €50
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Booking Process/Deadlines
Booking terms and conditions
CPD Info
SCI Members attending this meeting are able to claim CPD points.

Additional Info
Invited Speakers
- Dr Ewen Campbell, University of Basel, Switzerland - Ion Trapping and Fullerenes in Space
- Prof Silvia Giordani, IIT Genoa, Italy - Carbon Nanoparticles as Nanoprobe for Cancer Therapy
- Prof Stephan Irle, Oak Ridge National Labs, Tennessee - First Principles Approach to Chemical Modification in Nanocarbons
- Prof Gun-Do Lee, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
- Prof Ekaterina Obraztsova, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow - Structural and Luminescent Properties of Needle-like Diamond
- Prof Takashi Uchida, Bio-Nano Electronics Research Centre,Toyo University, Kawagoe, Japan - Metallic Endofullerenes
Conference Topics
- Synthesis and characterisation of carbon nanomaterials
- New chemical routes to novel nanocarbons (cycloparaphenylenes, nanocones, nanoscrolls...)
- Fullerene science and technology, carbon astrochemistry
- Graphene and carbon nanotubes
- Nanomanipulation of nanocarbons
- sp3 nanocarbons (nanodiamonds...)
- Optical and electronic properties for carbon nanomaterials
- New nanocarbon based devices (sensors, detectors, PV, fuel cells, electrodes, supercapacitors...)
- Nanocarbon hybrid materials (nanotube filling...)
- Computational modelling and simulation of nanocarbons
- Graphene Oxide and related 2D materials
- Industrial materials engineering, production scale-up, purification, treatment and recycling
- Toxicology, bio-compatibility and bio-composites
For more information, and to book, please contact:
For general enquiries, please call: