21 May - 22 May 2024

A future without fossil carbon

Organised by:

SCI's Sustainable Materials for Consumer Products Group

SCI, London, UK

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Registration Closed

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This event is being postponed.

With the expected decline in greenhouse gas emissions from the burning of fossil fuels, as our transport and electricity infrastructure decarbonise, emissions coming from consumer products will become an ever more important fraction to tackle in order to meet Net Zero targets. Plastics account for 40% of the total petrochemical use (from both global and UK government figures), resulting in about 15 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent in the UK. The remaining proportion is used to create textiles, paint, and most of the consumer products we use every day – accounting for another 10 - 15 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent in the UK every year. Innovation in the materials used to manufacture these products is essential to deliver our targets and cut emissions – whether through new non-fossil feedstocks use for existing materials, or wholly new bio-based materials.

SCI’s Sustainable Materials for Consumer Products group collaborates across sectors to:

  • Highlight the challenges, impacts, and strategy to industry, academia, and government.
  • Support and facilitate investment in new chemistries, through partnerships, pilot programmes and collaboration across the supply chain.
  • Facilitate improvements in measurement of impact, including accessibility of lifecycle analysis tools and methodologies for SMEs, and improvement of methodologies that account for non-fossil feedstocks.

The status quo: will look to present the current drivers for investment, change, or maintaining the status quo; what new non-fossil value chains may look like, including what new chemistries might support it; how we as a community might measure impact and progress; and a look ahead at the future already being developed today, what barriers, and what opportunities might arise on the journey.

We very much hope you can join us and share your knowledge, expertise, and experience with the community.


The event will bring together participants from across industry, academia, and policymakers to build consensus on the need for and the path towards a non-fossil chemicals industry in the pursuit of Net Zero.

Sponsorship and Exhibition

For further information and prices, please email conferences@soci.org.


The programme will be confirmed in due course.

Venue and Contact


14/15 Belgrave Square

Conference Team

Tel: +44 (0)20 7598 1561

Email: conferences@soci.org

Booking Process/Deadlines

Booking terms and conditions

CPD Info

SCI Members attending this meeting are able to claim CPD points.

Accredited cpd Centre - The CPD Standards Office - CPD Provider 41057 - www.cpdstandards.com

Organising committee
Maria Inam, SCI / CPI
Sarah Davidson, SCI / Croda