Materials Chemistry Group

Message from the Chair

Message from the Chair

Dr David Birkett


The recent emphasis on the role of science in the economy has only further emphasised that materials science, and its key branch of nano-scale science, plays a critical part in all our lives.

From carbon and graphene-based electronics, through biomaterials to energy and nuclear technology the UK leads the way and materials is in a pivotal position in terms of fundamental research, commercialisation and as an engine for economic growth.

Our current role is to bring together scientists from all backgrounds and to work with both business and government to ensure that we strengthen our science base and underline the value of science, and scientists, to the UK economy. To do this, one of our prime functions has always been to organize meetings which bring together scientists, promote critical discussion and bring to life new ideas.

Meet the Committee

Dr Stefan Orszulik


Dr Daven Chamberlain


Dr David Birkett


Dr Weiping Wu

Vice Chair

In brief

The group administers the Beilby Medal and Prize in rotation with the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) and the Royal Society of Chemistry.

The group organises a number of events and visits including the Irish Polymers and Materials Conference 2020: Polymers and the Environment.