Your weekly digest of policy news, funding competitions, and calls for evidence.
What’s been in the news?
Commission is seeking partnerships to aid recovery
Today, 27th July 2020, the European Commission is launching a call for expressions of interest for thematic partnerships to pilot interregional innovation projects supporting response and recovery from the coronavirus pandemic. The overall budget is Euro 400 000.
The partnerships will cover four areas: development of the medical value chain, safety and management of medical waste linked to the topic of the circular economy, encouraging sustainable and digital tourism and developing hydrogen technologies in carbon-intensive regions.
The Commission seeks expressions of interest from regional authorities, universities, research centers, clusters and SMEs willing to pilot interregional innovation partnerships.
Elisa Ferreira, Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms said that ‘The focus on health, tourism, sustainability and digitalisation is perfectly in line with the Commission’s priorities and the needed response to counterattack the effects of the coronavirus crisis.’
Deadline 7th September 2020
Read more on the European Commission website
Funding for innovative energy projects
The UK’s innovation agency, Innovate UK, is offering £20 million of UK aid to develop and demonstrate innovative solutions for clean, affordable and secure energy access in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia or South East Asia. The competition, Energy Catalyst round 8 – which is open now and runs until September 16th – seeks to encourage the development of products and services that help countries access secure, low cost and low carbon energy.
Projects must address three areas: Energy access needs in the regions being targeted, all three areas of the energy trilemma and gender equality and social inclusion.
International Environment Minister Lord Goldsmith said: ‘As we recover from coronavirus, it is vital that we prioritise changing our relationship with the planet for good. Finding innovative and affordable ways to help people use clean energy will make a real difference in this mission.’
Read more on the UK Government's website
Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Hub
UK Research and Innovation is inviting proposals for an Interdisciplinary Circular Economy Hub, which will provide national leadership and coordination, driving knowledge exchange and whole systems learning across the Circular Economy. Up to £3.27 million is available to support one Hub for up to 45 months from January 2021.
Deadline 4 August 2020
Decarbonising transport through electrification
Up to £120 000 in funding it being made for proposals which are aligned with decarbonising transport through electrification, focusing on short and medium-term challenges.
Deadline 17 August 2020
Net Zero Agriculture
A survey has been launched to investigate how engineering and physical sciences can contribute in attaining net zero in the UK’s agricultural sector.
Deadline 4 September 2020
International centre-to-centre research collaborations
Up to £15 million is available to fund 10-15 research consortia which will provide opportunities for leading UK research groups to work in partnership with ‘the best international researchers.’ The research will meet several objectives including furthering the UK’s strategic needs in international science and innovation partnerships.
Deadline 8 September 2020