AGM 2024: Voting is now open

4 June 2024 | SCI HQ

The AGM voting process is now open

Voting is now open and closes on Tuesday 18 June 2024 at 12:00 noon BST, with the results being announced at the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 3 July 2024.

The AGM will include updates from the Chair of the Board of Trustees, Mr Harry Swan, the Honorary Treasurer, Mrs Chloe Frankish, and the Chief Executive Officer, Ms Sharon Todd.

The event will also see the presentation of the Distinguished Service Awards.

The AGM voting process will allow you to vote on resolutions which will affect the direction of the Society in future years and you will also be asked to note the unopposed election of new members of the Governance committees, and retirements from the Governance Committees.

We would like to thank all retiring Governance Committee members, and those who are elected unopposed in this year’s process.

Candidates for SCI Governance Committees who have been elected unopposed:

Ordinary Members of the Board of Trustees (BOT)
Dr Ben Alston, Mr Simon Curtis, Dr Kevin Matthews

Ordinary Members of the Membership Committee (MC)
Mr Simon Curtis, Mr Robert Ives, Dr Claudio Lourenco, Mr Tom Porter

Retiring SCI Governance Committee members:

Board of Trustees (BOT)
Dr Nick Challoner, Dr Charlotte Crowhurst, Professor Ray Jones

Finance and Investments Advisory Committee (FIAC)
Dr Pauline Allen, Mr John Brown, Mr Martin Curry, Dr John Farmer, Dr Peter Hambleton, Mr Patrick Kitt

Membership Committee (MC)
Dr Maryam Bayati, Dr David Leese, Dr John Hardy

Publications Committee (PC)
Dr John Hardy

Voting is via the electronic voting system. You will require your membership number in order to cast your vote. Please contact us if you have any difficulties.

As an SCI member you are encouraged to use your vote to support the future of the Society. Please vote now.

Biographies for each of the unopposed candidates can be accessed by following the relevant links within the voting form.

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