1 Jun 2015
SCI Agrisciences Group is pleased to announce a competition to run alongside SCI Agrisciences Young Researchers 2015.
Young researchers (masters students, PhD students and early post docs) in the field of agriscience are invited to post a ‘selfie’ with their research.
A selection will be chosen by a member of SCI Agrisciences Group committee and displayed at the Agrisciences Young Researchers 2015 conference whereby the delegates will vote for the best. The winner will receive a prize of £50.
Alll entries must follow the rules* detailed below:
- Tweet your entry to @SCIAgrisciences
- The hashtag #SCIselfie and either #SCIagriYR or #SCIresearcher must be present in the text
- Short title of photograph to explain research area
- Applicant must be a UK resident or an SCI member
- One entry per applicant
- The applicant must be in the photograph
- Applicant must be a masters student, PhD student or within 3 years post-doctorate
- Closing date for entries is Monday 6 July
An example is provided below
*Please note: any entries that do not follow the rules will not be judged.
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