SCI is pleased to announce the winners of the David Miller Travel Bursary Awards 2018 are Stuart Edwards (Reading University) and Juan Carlos De la Concepcion (University of East Anglia/John Innes Centre).
This award aims to give two young plant scientists or horticulturists the opportunity of overseas travel in connection with their horticultural careers.
It is given in honour of David Miller, a well-respected Guernsey horticulturist who played a major role in the establishment of the SCI Horticulture Group, which celebrated its 10-year anniversary on the evening of SCI’s 2018 AGM, with guest speaker Nicola Spence, the Chief Plant Health Officer for Defra, giving an enlightening talk on the important topic of biosecurity.
Each recipient receives a £500 award towards their travel plans as well as a year’s membership of the Eden Project. They will also be invited to the Group’s AGM in September to present details of their work and their travel if it has been completed.
Stuart Edwards is working on ‘Pest Control in Apple Orchards Under Future Climate Prediction’. He will travel in July to the European Congress of Entomolgy in Naples, Italy, where he will present a poster detailing his current mathematical modelling outputs showing the potential effects of seasonal asynchrony between pests and parasitoids of apple. |
Juan Carlos De la Concepcion will attend the International Congress of Plant Pathology in Boston, Massachusetts at the end of July where he will present an oral communication on 'Structure-guided protein engineering extends immune receptor recognition to fungal effectors'. |
The Group would like to thank our sponsors who make the award possible – Vitacress, The Eric Gardner Memorial Trust, The Eden Project, and SCI itself.