The McBain Medal is an early-career award for younger researchers working in colloid and interface science in the UK. The award winner will be announced in early 2019 and the McBain Lecture will be given at a symposium held in London in the winter of 2019/2020.
Nominations are invited now for this award. Proposers and seconders must be members of either the SCI Colloid & Surface Chemistry Group, or the RSC Colloid & Interface Science Group, although candidates themselves need not be members.
Self-nominations are permitted, although in such cases the candidate must name two referees who themselves are members (with their permission).
Those intending to propose a candidate are strongly encouraged to contact Prof Joseph Keddie, the Awards Coordinator, for guidance before submitting their nomination.
The deadline for nominations is 15 November 2018.
Later this year will also see the 2018 McBain Lecture with talks given by 2018 McBain Medal winner, Dr Valeria Garbin, Imperial College London, alongside a wealth of other experts.
Further information and a link to the online nomination are available via the links below.