2020 McBain Medal & Lecture – Call for Nominations

02 August 2019

2 Aug 2019

SCI’s Colloid and Surface Chemistry Group, in partnership with the RSC’s Colloid and Interface Science Group are pleased to announce that nominations are now invited for the McBain Medal and Lecture. This is an early-career award for researchers and technologists working in the UK on colloid and interface science.

The award is intended to recognise both achievement and evidence of future promise. To be eligible, candidates will have followed a career in research or technology of not more than 15 years’ duration since completing their postgraduate studies. Candidates will either be based in the UK, or, will at least have carried out a substantial part of their research work there.

Proposers and seconders must be members of one of the two sponsoring groups of the RSC and SCI, although candidates need not necessarily be members themselves. Self-nominations are permitted, although in such cases the candidate must provide the names of two referees (with their permission) who themselves are members of one or other of the sponsoring groups.

The deadline for nominations is 15 November 2019.

The committee will make a decision in early December. The name of the awardee will be announced in or by early 2020 and the McBain Lecture will be given at a mini-symposium, typically held in London, in the winter of 2020.

The names of proposers and seconders, once logged, will be redacted before the nominations are put in front of the committee, who will not know whether they are self-nominations or from a third party. A decision is made on the basis of the case made by the proposers, together with what is known about the candidates in the public domain.

The committee reserve the right to make no award in the event of there being no suitable candidate in their opinion.

Those intending to propose a candidate are encouraged contact the Awards Coordinator, Prof Joseph Keddie for guidance regarding eligibility before submitting a nomination.

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