SCI Scholar, Fabien Talbot, presents his end of year report

10 August 2020

For over thirty years, SCI has supported and recognised the excellence of early career people, by aiding their studies in the form of an SCI Scholarship.

Since 1985 over 80 scholarships have been awarded which have not only given the recipients financial assistance, but have enabled them to broaden their network, and strengthen their skills and knowledge. SCI Scholars receive access to publishing and mentoring opportunities and are given a platform to present their work amongst esteemed scientists and industrialists, thus raising their profile within the scientific community.

Fabien Talbot was awarded an SCI Scholarship in 2019. At the end of their first year, SCI Scholars present an end of year report to SCI. Read on to find out more about what Fabien has done in his first year as an SCI Scholar.

Fabien Talbot"I would like to thank SCI for the scholarship I received in July 2019. First of all, it provided incredible opportunities to develop my professional network and communication skills. I participated in the 2019 AGM where I presented my research at a postgraduate poster session, and in the 2020 College of Scholar’s day where insightful career talks were delivered. I also attended SCI’s Fine Chemical group 2020 AGM and the ‘Making SCIence Happen in a 2-Metre World’ events online during the COVID-19 lockdown. As an SCI Ambassador, I arranged transport for University of Manchester attendees to the 2020 ‘SCI Kickstart Your Career’ event in Chester and was involved in the selection and invitation of speakers and student presenters to the 2020 139th AGM. These experiences allowed to meet, discuss, and interact with a variety of professionals and fellow students, which in turn spawned ideas for my own research, refined my career plans, and strengthened my confidence.

"The financial support of SCI allowed me to travel to science symposiums during the past year, such as to the Organometallic Chemistry towards Organic Synthesis symposium (OMCOS) in Germany, where I presented a research poster to a global audience from both academia and industry. I also participated in the 6th Winter Process Chemistry conference in Birmingham where I gave a short presentation and received the Young Chemist Award.

"I also promoted SCI and science through volunteering as a STEM Ambassador. Notably I took part in activities at the Manchester Science & Industry Museum and participated in the ‘Great Science Share for School’ online blog.

"My research in the Procter group at the University of Manchester greatly benefitted from all the interactions made possible owing to SCI. My PhD focuses on the development catalytic methods using copper, an abundant and sustainable metal, to assemble readily available chemical feedstocks into complex, drug-like molecules. I was delighted to be an author on a review article published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( and I am expecting the publication of other manuscripts in the future.

"For the year to come, I look forward to meeting the new Scholars and presenting my PhD at the next SCI AGM. I am grateful for SCI’s continuous support and will be proud to be an SCI member throughout the next steps of my career."

Fabien Talbot
PhD Student
University of Manchester

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