17th European Congress of Biotechnology, 3-6 July 2016 - call for speakers

19 Feb 2015

SCI is pleased to bring you news from our collaborative partner The European Federation of Biotechnology

The EFB Scientific Programme Committee is organising 20 symposia to run during the 17th European Congress of Biotechnology. They are now inviting proposals for topics and speakers. Each symposium will include only ONE invited speaker, but please propose alternative possible speakers in case your first choice is unable to accept our invitation.

Please also propose stellar speakers who might be invited as Plenary Lecturers to open or close the Congress. The quality of the presentations at the Edinburgh Congress surpassed all expectations, so the committee recognise this is a tough challenge, but they are keen to see if they can make the next Congress even better!

The committee has provided the following guidance notes:

1. Please focus on top European research groups: do not forget the excellent research and biotechnological developments in Central Europe.
2. EFB's limited budget will cover the costs of at most 2 plenary lectures from other continents. Nevertheless, please propose top speakers from USA, South America and Asia as well as European group leaders.
3. EFB have a possibility of financial support for two speakers in 'Green Biotechnology' from the USA.
4. Please nominate top speakers from major biotechnology companies.

When submitting your nominations, please provide the following information:

  • Plenary lecturers: name, location and topic
  • Symposium topics: topic, 1st choice invited speaker and alternative speaker
  • Green Biotechnology: topic and speaker

The deadlines for nominations are as follows: Green biotechnology topics and speaker from the USA: 17:00 on Thursday 26 February; all other proposals: Friday 27 February. Please submit your nominations to communications@soci.org by the stated deadline.

Mary Nnankya
Hon. Secretary, SCI Biotechnology Group 

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