29 Nov 2013
The British Carbon Group is holding a special Christmas meeting on Advances in Graphene Science, complete with competition. The half day event will take place at the University of Manchester on 18 December.
Graphenography Competition
A prize of £100 is offered for the best artistic interpretation of graphene science through art, sculpture, photography, microscopy or digital creation. The entries will be judged by the British Carbon Group committee and their decision will be final and binding. Please note that submission grants the British Carbon Group licence for use in its publicity material.
Please send your entries by post or email to:
Dr Peter Minshall
Secretary of the British Carbon Group
Hunterston Room
Magnox Ltd
Oldbury Technical Centre
Oldbury Naite
South Gloucestershire
BS35 1RQ
T: +44 (0)1454 422287
E: peter.c.minshall@magnoxsites.com
The deadline is 5pm on Friday 13 December.
There is no fee for the meeting; but please register by 12 December.