The Chinese UK Group: SCI UK's science link to China

Cigang Xu works in development at Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology in Bristol and is also Chairman of SCI's Chinese UK Group. Here, he talks to us about the Group's aims and work.

What is the purpose and main aim of the Chinese UK Group?
CX: The main aim is to form a platform through which Chinese students, scholars and researchers across the UK, can exchange their research, professional and social life experiences. Our Group also bridges the link between SCI and Chinese scientists, especially those based in mainland China. Such links are formed through various approaches, including the China-UK joint conference and publication.

What is the key development issue for your Group?
CX: Our Group has been covering England and Wales, and we are now trying to increase this scope to include areas in Scotland and Northern Ireland as well. This will enhance our presence throughout the UK and enable us to build on our networks and contacts for members of the Group.

In your role as Chairman, how are you ensuring the Group and its activities are addressing the above?
CX: So far, we have successfully managed to organise our annual event at different universities each year, and have ensured that they are easily accessible to scientists based in either England or Wales.

Tell us about your annual event?
CX: Our annual event is a joint conference with the Chinese Society of Chemical Science and Technology in the UK (CSCST-UK). Our 2009 annual event will take place at University College London. The topic for the event is 'Energy, science and technologies for a sustainable future'. It is designed to help our understanding of the energy issues we currently face.

What would your message be for anyone looking to join SCI and in particular your Group?
CX: If you are interested in a broad range of chemistry-related fields, from new materials and nanotechnology to biofuels and business strategy, then SCI will provide you with an opportunity to broaden your knowledge horizons and professional contacts. Our Group consists mainly of scientists of Chinese origin, and provides a good opportunity for members to get to know more Chinese researchers in the UK – it is also provides a good opportunity for cultural exchange.

Chinese UK Group

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