9 Oct 2013
What does your current job
I'm a team manager in Medicines
Evaluation Chemistry, which is a section
within Pharmaceutical Development at
AstraZeneca. Our team consists of process
chemists and analysts tasked with the
delivery of supplies of drug substance,
which is used in early toxicology studies
and Phase 1 clinical trials. I've been in
the role for three years, having previously
held positions in process chemistry,
analytical chemistry and drug substance
A key part of my job is to focus the world-class expertise that we have in-house in Medicines Evaluation Chemistry on the most important and challenging scientific activities, for example, the identification of new routes to drug molecules or the introduction of asymmetric synthesis.
Did you have an interest in
science from childhood?
I come from a scientific family, and have
always found the investigation of the
world around us to be fascinating. I
became particularly interested in organic
chemistry while at school; control of
the construction and manipulation of
molecules is an amazing capability that
humans have developed.
How did you decide that you
wanted a career in science?
After school, I had considered a career in
engineering, but a gap year placement in
process chemistry at BP Fine Chemicals at
Carshalton in south London reaffirmed my
interest in chemistry and set the direction
of my university studies and career.
What are the most important
things you've learned in your
career so far?
If you are interested in having a job in a
scientific company, then having a passion
for science is key. Scientific companies
are successful due to the quality of the
scientific work that they deliver, and
having an interest in and passion for
delivering high-quality science will put
you at the centre of the most important
work and provide a job that is interesting
and rewarding.
Would you have done anything
I don't think so. I've enjoyed working
across fine chemicals, agrochemicals
and pharmaceuticals, and all these areas
have been interesting in different ways.
I'm still involved in practical science,
which I enjoy (on a good week I spend
50% of my time in the lab), and have
the opportunity to help scientists in the
section deliver drug projects.
What would you say have been
the significant milestones in
your career?
A big change for me was my move
from fine chemicals to pharmaceuticals
when I joined Zeneca in 1999.
Both areas involve chemistry but
there are broader challenges in
pharmaceuticals in terms of the
regulatory environment. Since
joining Zeneca I've been fortunate
to work in a number of different
areas, which has allowed my
career to develop in a steady
What key things would
a young person need to
do if they wanted to get
to the position you've
achieved thus far?
As noted before, a passion for
chemistry is key, and applying
that passion to deliver high
quality scientific results would
be an important starting
Being able to prioritise is also important, as there is always more work to do than time available. Focusing on the most important and challenging tasks will make the biggest impact.
Finally, look for a job that you enjoy. A career is something that lasts a long time, and having a job that you enjoy is a great place from which to develop and progress.
How did you first become
involved with SCI and what has
that involvement meant for
I've been a member of SCI since my early
days working in chemistry; it's great to
have an organisation that provides a
focus for this key industrial area in the
UK. I've attended many excellent SCI
conferences over the years, which are
an ideal place to catch up with friends
and colleagues as well as making new
If you hadn't pursued a career
in science, what would you be
doing now?
I've very much
enjoyed my
career in science
and can't
really imagine
doing anything
else. I was
heavily involved
in organising
events while
at university,
including a
couple of college
balls, so if things
had worked out
differently I could
have ended up as
an entertainments