SCI's coronavirus statement

20 March 2020

Dear member,

In light of developments in relation to COVID-19 and efforts around the world to control its spread, I am writing to you as a member of SCI to provide an update on SCI’s response.

In these exceptional times our priorities are the welfare of members, staff and our community, continuity of services to ensure our community continues to work through this next period, and to support any government responses to the COVID-19 outbreak.

COVID-19 Response
SCI is an international community however we have a strong presence in the UK. We have been asked by the UK government to help with the following:

  1. Identify issues for organisations and individuals.
  2. Identify organisations or individuals who can support the COVID-19 outbreak.

We have conducted a survey covering both of these points which has allowed us to provide structured feedback to the UK government, who are actively working to manage the situation.

SCI has also opened a LinkedIn discussion for Action against COVID-19. This will be a place for scientists and business people to come together to collaborate and share ideas. Please click the link above or search for our LinkedIn page "SCI: Where Science Meets Business", to get engaged.

Please note there are calls out for assistance with key supplies, such as ventilators. Details can be found on the government website.

SCI Members and SCI HQ
We will be continuing to provide services to our members through this difficult time. In line with the advice of the UK government, the SCI staff team in London has now moved to homeworking until further notice. In most respects this should be invisible to you – you can contact us as you would normally by email and phone, and continue to use our digital services as usual via, however please bear in mind it may take longer to respond than normal.

Please also note that we are moving to online processes, so items such as expenses and invoicing will be electronic. 

Conferences and Events
In line with government advice we have postponed SCI conferences and events until the end of July 2020. New dates are being agreed for these important events – please check the website for further details or contact the conference team on We would like to thank our organising committees, speakers and partners for their excellent collaboration in managing these changes.

At present our conference schedule as of Autumn 2020 is proceeding as planned and details of the conference programme can be found on our website.

In support of the need to minimise social contact we are limiting the use of Belgrave Square until further notice. This means that SCI committee meetings will no longer be held at Belgrave Square but will be held virtually. We are able to provide conference call facilities, and are looking at providing webinar facilities if required.

We feel it is important for committees to keep working during this difficult time so do let the team know if you need any other support. We are keen to look at if new services are required so if you need help or have ideas please contact the membership team via

It is our hope that, for the most part, SCI activities and most forward events, planned from the autumn onwards, can continue as planned, though we will review the situation as it evolves. We apologise for any disruption and hope you will bear with us as we adapt our activities.

We will keep you updated as the situation evolves. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns please do contact us via the usual channels.

Finally, please continue to follow government advice to keep yourself and others safe and well, especially those most vulnerable. We wish all of our community the very best during this difficult time.

Best wishes,

Sharon Todd
Chief Executive

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