15 Apr 2016
Day of Science and Careers 2016 was held on Wednesday 13 April at SCI in London. There were a number of high quality talks and discussion and networking sessions, which were enjoyed by all.
Available Presentations
- Starting Out in Academia - Dr Ben Wahab, Sussex University
- Working in a Biosciences SME - Chloe Booth, Prometic Biosciences
- Interactive Activity - Tim Reynolds, ECC and Consultant
- Pharmaceutical Development - Adam McCudden, Astrazeneca
- Bringing Plant Potential to Life - Dr Robert Wybrow, Syngenta
- Patent Attorney as a Career - Dr Darren Smyth, EIP
- Scientific Marketing and Sales - Dr Haydn Boehm, E-Molecules Inc
- Top Tips for Successful Job Applications - Richard Carruthers, Imperial College London