Board of Trustees update: May 2016

30 Jun 2016

A very busy agenda for the May Board meeting! The Board approved the Trustees Report and Accounts for 2016. It was also good to note that the Society had an operating surplus of nearly £250K in the first quarter of this year, which was nearly £80K better than budgeted. A couple of lease agreements approved included one which will see the ground floor room opposite reception becoming available again for use by members as it was formerly as the Members Room.

Sharon reported on progress with strengthening our connections with industry and academia. Recent meetings have been held with Croda and Nottingham University, and Ineos held a successful meeting of their global energy team at Belgrave Square. Sharon now represents SCI on the Accelerating Innovation Board and the Skills Group within the Chemistry Growth Partnership.

The new CRM (or ‘back-office’) IT system project, which aims to greatly improve the day-to-day running of the Society is progressing well. Two preferred bidders for the work will be engaged in more detailed discussions.

Improving the governance of SCI is a priority for the Board and a start has been made in some areas and the overall approaches to a wider review were discussed. Publications provide by far the largest source of income for the society and some changes to the Publications Advisory Committee are being debated. A major principle will be to ensure that those in editorial roles are more engaged.

Dr Alan D Baylis
Chair, SCI Board of Trustees

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