12 Nov 2013
'A New Age for Coal with Carbon Capture and Storage' took place on Thursday 7 November 2013 at the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.
The aim of this meeting was to explore solutions for large scale capture, storage and utilisation of CO2 , and to provide an update on the enabling technologies for combustion and CO2 capture, CCS projects underway and planned, and models and drivers for commercialisation.
Available Conference Papers:
- CO2 storage and disposal technologies, Stuart Haszeldine, Edinburgh University
- Commercial feasibility of integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC), Francisco García Peña, ELCOGAS Puertollano IGCC Plant
- Overview of CO2 capture, Paul Fennell, Imperial College
- Status and future outlook for carbon credit certificates, Alexandre Vial, Enercap France
- From clean coal fired power plants to zero emission coal fired plants: 10 years of experiences of ENEL group, Giancarlo Benelli, ENEL
- White Rose carbon capture and storage project, Peter Emery, Drax Power
- Models and drivers for commercialisation, George Day, Energy Technology Institute