23 September 2022
Organised by:
NIAB East Malling, Kent
This event is no longer available for registration.
East Malling Research Station has been in existence since 1913. Like many similar institutions it has had periods when it was a stand-alone entity and others when it has been part of a group. It is now part of NIAB which is Headquartered in Cambridge. Over recent years the size has decreased. However, its scope has recently increased with the addition of vine growing and viticulture to its long-standing fruit crop remit.
The institute has continued to carry on research on top fruit crops and to be involved in the breeding of soft fruits such a strawberry and raspberry. Many of its trials are now being done in active collaboration with commercial practitioners’ as to aid knowledge transfer. Its research facilities have recently been expanded with the addition of new glasshouse and CE facilities. In addition to continuing its commodity centred research NIAB EM has recently been a partner in a successful bid to one of the UK Government’s business development funds which has resulted in significant funding for the Growing Kent and Medway Partnership.
The visit should allow exploration of both current horticultural and food research and models for collaborative business development
The visit will be followed by the Horticulture Group's AGM. The papers for the AGM are available online to SCI members only.
This visit is available to SCI full and student members only. It will be of interest to those in horticulture, food and wine.
There is a £15 fee for this event. All delegates must pre-register in advance.
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