Food Group

Message from the Chair

Message from the Chair

To be confirmed


Welcome to the SCI Food Technical Interest Group homepage. The group is a great way to develop new skills and make new contacts within the food industry. We also help you to extend your network across other allied disciplines including chemistry, computing and AI, formulation and colloid science, patents and intellectual property management, engineering and more. Our continuing aim within the Group is to arrange meetings which are topical, challenging, and of interest to members. We are part of the Agri-Food Hub so please also check out our sister groups: Agrisciences, Lipids, and Horticulture.

SCI has a long tradition of awarding student presentation competition prizes and offer a number of travel bursaries and scholarships in food science and food engineering related disciplines. We encourage all of our members to take up these opportunities. The calls for applicants are announced once or twice each year.  We are continually reviewing the types of events we host including Early Career symposia, conferences and Public Evening Lectures. We welcome new ideas for meetings - so if you feel that a subject is worthy of more attention, whether as an evening meeting or a full day, then please let us know. We also welcome anyone wishing to join the committee to get in touch; there are several ways in which you can contribute.

Meet the Committee Officers

Mary Henderson


Anil de Sequeira


In brief

One of the largest Technical Interest Groups in SCI, the Food Group applies a multidisciplinary approach to food science and technology. Its wide-ranging interest area reflects the range of the members - from physicists, chemists and microbiologists to nutritionists, sensory analysts and from food production specialists and manufacturers to policy makers and students.