DSA Honour for John Blachford

15 May 2014

Each year, at its AGM, SCI presents Distinguished Service Awards. The awards celebrate the hard work and goodwill of longer-serving members from all component parts of the Society. They recognise time given as volunteers to organise conferences, edit or peer-review the material published in our journals, share enthusiasm, or lend leadership and vision to sustain regional or technical group activities.

This year, SCI is pleased to present a Distinguished Service Award to Dr John Blachford for his consistent support for SCI Canada.

When and how did you become a member of SCI?
I joined many years ago and I don’t recall the circumstances. I’m sure my father was a member and he probably suggested I join.

Why did you decide to get involved in committee work?
Someone, possibly Bernard West, proposed that I become Chair of the SCI Executive Committee in Canada so that I could help a lot in organising the celebrations for the 100th anniversary of SCI in Canada.

What has driven your continued involvement?
Several factors, but I think the main one has been the value I see in having many students attend our annual Awards Dinner.

How has being involved in SCI activities had an impact on your professional career?
Through SCI I have met many people from industry and academia who have given me good advice about a variety of matters and some of this advice has helped me to do a better job of managing my company.

How do your SCI activities reflect your personal/professional interests?
Being on the SCI Canada awards nomination committee reflects my interest in seeing the recognition of outstanding contributors to the Canadian chemical industry and to the science of chemistry.

What motivates to you to participate in SCI activities?
I like to meet new people from both the chemical industry and academia. Networking is partly why I participate. As previously mentioned I very much enjoyed seeing students recognised for good marks and exposed to outstanding contributors to chemistry and the chemical industry. I also like to be able to give advice to students about careers in chemistry and chemical engineering – in industry, academia or government.

How do you think that your contribution has helped shape SCI?
My contribution has simply helped to keep SCI in Canada operating!

What are your thoughts about receiving a Distinguished Service Award?
I am proud and grateful to be receiving this Award. It is an honour, and I greatly admire many of those who have received this award in the past.

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