Seligman Travel Bursary Recipient, Shaba Noore, reports from the USA

12 October 2022

Shaba Noore was awarded a Seligman APV Travel Bursary to attend the Conference of Food Engineering in Raleigh, North Carolina. Read her report below.

"In September 18-21, 2022, I had the great opportunity to attend the 15th Conference of Food Engineering held in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. This quadrennial event was organised by the Society of Food Engineering (SoFE), with a focus on food engineering and brings together experts and representatives from the production sector, science, technology and government.

"At this congress, I could showcase my research on the non-thermal extraction of bioactive compounds from microalgae employing novel extraction strategies to an international audience with an oral presentation; the title of the presentation was: “Extraction of Phycocyanins from Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) employing novel extraction techniques”.

"My oral presentation was placed in a session on “Green Extraction and Separation Technologies”, with four other very interesting presentations on sustainable extraction and their various applications. After my presentation, I was able to discuss my findings with several other researchers, which gave me many new prospects for my current and future research. It was an outstanding opportunity to exchange ideas and knowledge with people working in similar areas.

Shaba Noore

Shaba Noore with Prof. (Dr.) Niranjan (Left) and Prof. (Dr.) Colm O’Donnell (Right) while receiving Seligman APV Travel Bursary Award

"Besides the feedback on my research and the gained insights, I also learned many new technologies from all the other great presentations. Intersecting research topics and approaches I discovered will definitely facilitate my further research career. Especially the keynote presentations were very interesting and gave me access to topics and approaches I could get nowhere else.

"I want to thank SCI for providing me with the Seligman APV Travel Grant, which enabled me to attend a world-class congress on food engineering. I had the chance to present my research on extraction to an international scientific community, discuss scientifically with renowned experts in food engineering and network with other researchers and industries in the field of bioactive extraction. The attendance was an invaluable experience for me and a big impact for my future scientific career."

Shaba Noore
PhD Student
School of Biosystems and Food Engineering
University College Dublin, Ireland

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