31 July 2014
The Opportunities in Fuels and Chemicals from Syngas and Methane Fermentation conference took place on 16 July at the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining, London, UK. This one day event featured a wide variety of speaker presentations followed by an informative Q&A, this helped to attract 63 attendees. Also included in this event was a poster presentation competition with a £250 cash prize, kindly provided by SCI's Science and Enterprise Group.
Please note the presentation papers for this conference are only available for event delegates to view. If you did not receive a password or have mislaid it, please contact conferences@soci.org.
Available Conference Papers
- SYNPOL - Biopolymers from syngas fermentation, Auxiliadora_Prieto, CIB-CSIC, Spain
- Development of a highly efficient gene delivery system for Syngas fermenting Clostridia, Gabriele Philipps, Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology, Germany
- Clean Bio-syngas Production for Fermentation, Jim Abbott, Johnson Matthey, UK
- Food and Energy Security through Sustainable Biotechnology, Josh Silverman, Calysta, USA
- Bio Base NWE supports biobased innovations, Lieve Hoflack, Bio Base Europe, Belgium
- Bioreactor Design Issues for Gas-Intensive C1 Fermentations, Mark Worden, Michigan State University, USA
- Clostridial gene technologies for the production of chemicals, Nigel Minton, University of Nottingham, UK
- A BBSRC Network in Industrial Biotechnology & Bioenergy (NIBB), Nigel Minton and David Fell, University of Nottingham, UK
- Syngas from Biomass Gasification, Philip Beaty, Nexterra, Canada
- Syngas Production from MSW and food waste, Richard Taylor, Advanced Plasma Power, UK