Securing the UK's future industrial success in a post Brexit world

Duration: 1:07 | 23 May 2017
Rt Hon. the Lord David Willetts

Since Britain voted to leave the EU, the government has highlighted the importance of an Industrial Strategy as a means of driving growth for the UK. SCI believes that the Industrial Strategy will need to be underpinned by science and innovation to be successful.

On Tuesday 23 May 2017 at SCI's Public Evening Lecture Rt Hon. the Lord Willetts compared the different approaches, focusing on industrial sectors, clusters, regions, and technologies that will form the framework. He will also highlight new technologies where Britain has a comparative advantage and where there is a global business opportunity the Eight Great Technologies.

As former Minister for Science and Universities, Lord David Willetts is well-placed to consider the recently announced UK Industrial Strategy and its implications for science and business. This lecture explored the opportunities for the UK to create a new Industrial Revolution with a focus on driving new technologies.

Read more about Lord David Willetts:

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